Understanding harm reduction and syringe exchange programs is essential for fostering informed and compassionate perspectives on substance use and its impact on public health. This knowledge equips individuals to actively contribute to creating safer communities, breaking down stigma, and supporting evidence-based strategies that save lives and promote healthier outcomes for all.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
"Harm reduction is a public health approach that focuses on mitigating the harmful consequences of drug use, including transmission of infectious disease and prevention of overdose, through provision of care that is intended to be free of stigma and centered on the needs of people who use drugs."
National Harm Reduction Coalition
“Harm reduction incorporates a spectrum of strategies that includes safer use, managed use, abstinence, meeting people who use drugs “where they’re at,” and addressing conditions of use along with the use itself.”
John Hopkins BSPH
“Harm reduction acknowledges that drugs are widely available in our society. It encompasses the understanding that traditional law enforcement approaches or those that require complete abstinence do not decrease demand, use, or negative health consequences of substance use.”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
“Although the services they provide may vary, SSPs are community-based programs that provide access to sterile needles and syringes, facilitate safe disposal of used syringes, and provide and link to other important services“
National Institute on Drug Abuse
“Syringe services programs help protect communities by preventing infectious disease outbreaks and facilitating safe disposal of used syringes. These programs are not associated with increased drug use, crime, or syringe litter in communities.”
American Journal of Preventative Medicine
“Syringe services programs have a key role in all 4 Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative strategies-Prevent, Diagnose, Treat, and Respond and thus are instrumental to its success in preventing disease and saving lives.”
Email: info@bexarareaharmreductioncoalition.org